Ok, so where were we? The day after the boat ride, we went with mommy and the aunties to Harvard Square. I know some of my shapes now, and I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything square about it.
Aunties and babies
Then the next day we drove up the coast to Maine so that daddy could run another race.
Daddy finishing the race. I think he's not trying hard enough if he has enough energy to smile.
Aki slept through as usual
The best part about the race? It was to benefit the Kittery firefighters association! So it was at the fire station and I got to see the trucks like in my book.
Kittery Engine 1
Of course then we had to go have lobstah
I enjoyed it too
Later I was still not tired so we went to the beach to fly a kite. We were better than last time, probably because Aunty Melissa knew what she was doing.
This is not so hard
Daddy flying the kite very low
Maine was super fun as always. I don't have too much on the rest of their visit. We went to the aquarium the next day. More fun with divers and Myrtle the Turtle as usual. That night Aunty Michelle and Aunty Melissa went to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. It was Aunty Melissa's first baseball game ever. Maybe you heard what happened at the game that night. She picked a good time to go.
The next day I went to "school" while Aunty Melissa explored the city and Aunty Michelle slept in. Then she and Aunty Michelle went back to the "Bay" and SoCal. We had a lot of fun while they were here. Hopefully we can all get together again soon!