Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Just a quick post to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! Guess what Owen and I dressed up as...

Owen and Braden are ready to go
Mama made both our costumes. Here we were trick-or-treating with Braden near our house.

I'll tell you more later. Time for me to go to bed and rest up for another adventure tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oops, forgot to write about Uncle Greg's birthday and what we did 2 weekends ago...

Anyway, happy belated birthday Uncle Greg! We had a party at the beach where Alana's grandma cooked lots and lots of great food and we all went swimming in the water.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Greg!
Here he is blowing out the candles on his cake. It was yummy!

After his party we went to Dayton's house for his 4th birthday. He had birthday hats and a bouncy house.

Party people wear hats
We like wearing silly hats

Happy Birthday, Dayton!
So does Dayton!

Happy belated birthday Dayton!

The next day we went out to a kids festival at the Bishop Museum, or as I like to call it, the museum with the scary robot dinos. I wouldn't go near the dinos but we still had lots of fun.

Popsicle treat
Aki enjoying orange creamsicle

The hose is heavy!
We got to try the fire hose out

Riding on the fire truck
And drive the fire truck

More yummy treats
And eat cupcakes

Later Aki had a haircut, her first one in 5 months.

Mommy cutting Aki's hair
Mommy only cut the back though.

I think she should make it like my one from when I was her age!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Alana and Maile visit

More friends came to visit us this week. It was Alana and Maile, our friends we saw at the end of our long car ride in July!

We met up with them at Braden's new house. He has a pool.

3 year olds watching Ah Gong get the pool ready for them
The gang of 3 (year olds) watching Braden's Ah Gong get the pool ready for them

Uncle Greg being fatherly
Alana's father fed all of us

On Tuesday we got to go to the North Shore for the first time

Enjoying the view
Aki enjoying the sand. Me and mama enjoying the view...

Waves coming in to the cove
of the waves coming over the breakwater

Aki in baby floaty
Aki got to test out her new baby floaty thing

And we got the check out the fishies

After cleaning up we drove up the coast to find a shrimp truck but instead of the shrimp truck we ate at a shrimp hut that Alana's aunty and uncle like.

Lunch at Romy's
Nice and cool under the shade

Owen stuffing his face with garlic shrimp
I enjoyed the garlic shrimp.

I actually ate the shrimp bodies, not just the fried tails, which I usually like. And I took some from Alana's grandma too. Too bad Alana and Maile were sleeping!

Today is a party for Uncle Greg at the beach. Tell you about it later...

Friday, October 16, 2009

UH-Fresno State football game

Last weekend we finished Daddy's birthday celebration by taking him to a football game. The team wearing green (my favorite color) was playing the team in red (my second favorite color).

We rode the bus to the stadium and had great seats, thanks to mommy. They were really close to the field!

Once we reached our seats, we were able to start enjoying the game--which started with enjoying our food!

Before the rain
Here we are downing the last order of garlic fries in the stadium

Then it started raining. First it rained a little bit. Then it rained a little more. Then more and more until we had to leave our seats to go hide under cover. Of course, wherever I say "raining", daddy says can replace that by "Fresno State scoring touchdowns."

And then it started really raining, as in water falling from the sky. This was when mommy and daddy weren't so excited about how close we were to the field and how far we had to walk up to the covered area while it was raining.

Eating fried saimin after the downpour (of Fresno State touchdowns)
It wasn't all bad though--the rain gave us a chance to eat fried saimin

Wet Aki standing in a puddle
And splash in puddles

In the end, I don't remember too much about the game except for eating fries and fried saimin and riding on the shuttle bus. But we had fun anyway. Maybe next time an indoor game?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Emmy and I Visit Pearl Harbor

Last week, Emmy and her family came all the way from Boston to visit me!

To celebrate, we went to Pearl Harbor.

Owen on the big tank
I got to sit on this thing

Owen and Aki at the memorial
And climb into the submarine tower

Owen and Emerson Reunited
And go on a boat ride with Emmy

On the boat ride to USS Arizona Memorial
And our parents and baby sisters were there too

Later, after lunch, we all drove to our house. Because Emmy and I don't nap any more, we got to play while the babies slept.

Emmy and I played Hannah Montana. I played the role of "My Husband."

Let me show you around
Walk over here, My Husband!

Too bad we didn't get to play together much more! I guess we have to go back to Boston to visit them there!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Daddy's birthday

Before I tell you about daddy's birthday, here's a picture of me and Aki before swim class. Our class is 2 hours after we finish school, so mommy and daddy have to keep us entertained. We like to go to the playground at the school by swim school.

Owen and Aki on the slide
We race down the slide

Ok, so now on to daddy's birthday. When we woke up, I ate birthday cupcakes that Mama baked for us.

Birthday cupcakes for breakfast
Healthy and nutritious carrot cake

That night we went out to dinner and Aki and I were on our best behavior. Too bad there's no pictures of us being good!

Yummy food for Mike's birthday
Then last weekend we had a little party at our house for daddy. Here's some of the food we got to eat! I liked the frosting on that cake the best. Thanks, Aunty Kiyomi!

Some of daddy's high school friends came over

Owen and Kenton
Kenton came too. He's not one of daddy's high school friends. He's Aunty Shellie's nephew.

Because we were so inspired by daddy's presents, I decided that it was time to write our letters to Santa. Mommy helped us write them.

Mine says, "Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Lego Percy. And a big green train when it's another Christmas night-maybe next year. Love, NEWO"

Aki's says, "Dear Santa, I would like a purple train for Christmas. Love, Aki" I might have helped her on that one.

Kids' letters to Santa
Maybe I need to also ask for some pajama pants