Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Crafts on the plane
Originally uploaded by Mikenan1
To ring in the new year, Daddy took Aki and me to the Children's Discovery Center to countdown to noon! It was so much fun. We saw the balloons drop and drink an apple juice toast. Too bad mama missed out. She's still recuperating from her owie knee. Here's a picture of our new year hats on the airplane at the Children's Discovery Center.

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day full of presents

Owen and I have been so excited about Christmas for days!

Santa's snack
Last night, Daddy helped us set out snacks for Santa - M&Ms, a fortune cookie, pretzels with milk. This morning, when we woke up, the snacks we left were all gone! And Santa left a note for us.

Christmas tree after Santa came
There were also presents in our stockings and under the tree.

After breakfast, and grandma, Kung Kung, and Aunty Marlene came over, we started opening presents. Here are some highlights.

Dr. JUSTEN (Bieber)
Dr. Justen (Bieber)

County Hospital
Back side of doctor outfit

Aki drawing with Color Wonder Explosion
Aki drawing on the Color Explosion

Playing with Legos, new and old
Playing with Legos, new and old

We spent all day opening and playing with presents with a short lunch break. Before dinner, our whole family played many rounds of Toy Story Kerplunk Game that Emmie and Andrew sent us. Owen and I decided to change the rules so that the ones with the most aliens win. I think it worked out in our favor since Owen and I took turns winning.

Thank you everyone for thinking of us. We love all our presents! Mele Kalikimaka.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Santa and Reindeer
Originally uploaded by Mikenan1
We wish all our family and friends a very merry christmas. This will be the first year we'll be spending Christmas at our Hawaiian home. I wonder how Santa keeps track of where everyone is on Christmas Eve. He must have a super-duper GPS/people tracker.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Gobble gobble

Turkey's been eaten, Christmas lights are up, the tree is trimmed, packages have been arriving on our doorsteps... it must be getting close to Christmas!