Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Washington's Birthday!

That's what Daddy has today so we're off from school! That means we have time to catch you up on the last two months. Actually we haven't done too much blogging because daddy broke a couple of fingers playing "ultimate" but he's doing a lot better now...

First, Chinese New Year's!

Aki and her bunny hat
Aki celebrated by making a bunny hat at school

We also celebrated at the Children's Discovery Museum.

Chinese lantern crafts
Aki and me with our Chinese lantern crafts

Of course at the museum you also have to play dress-up
Our little dockworkers
Dockworkers on Chinese New Year's

Octopus heads
Aki and Daddy celebrating Octopus New Year's

Finally, this weekend we also went to the free Family Sunday at the Academy of Arts for their Chinese New Year's celebration. We saw Ni Hao Kai Lan, drew on canvases that made drum sounds, and tied some fancy knots. Then we sat on the lawn and watched the lion and dragon dance shows...

Dragon dance
Awesome dragon dancers

Watching Dragon dance with sweaty kids
We were super excited!

Other things we did in the last 6 weeks:

Punahou Carnival
Punahou Carnival

Aki and mommy in the shade
Hanging out at the Ukulele Picnic

Jake at Windward Mall
Jake Shimabukuro concert at the mall

Going on group kindergarten interviews at 'Iolani and some other school

Ok, that's enough of an update since it's time for us to go out again! Happy President's Day!