Today mommy took me to visit her doctor. Daddy came over from work to see him too. I was sleeping for most of the visit, but then she introduced me to him, and I remembered where I'd seen him before...
I had been sleeping peacefully in my dark, warm, and wet room, like every day for the last 8 months. Then out of nowhere came this very hard pressure, pushing on my butt and my head and trying to turn me around. I didn't like that at all.
Then after a short rest, the roof of my room opened up to the sky, and there was light, and this guy looking at me, like, "Aha! We have you now!" That was a rough day. I cried then too, and I cried today remembering what I went through that day.
Well, after a little while though, we went away, and we took a stroll through a street with lots of people selling colorful fruits and veggies.
I was sleepy after my flashback, so I missed out on the scenery. Whatever, I can't eat this stuff yet anyway.
Still, there was some cool stuff to see. This is called a "Romanesco cauliflower". Daddy was very excited to see it, but I'm not so sure what he was so excited about. It looks painful. I thought the purple "graffiti" and orange "cheddar" cauliflowers were prettier.
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