We drove up to Freeport on Friday, and by the time we got there, I was hungry! Mommy and I ate on a bench, but this guy was watching over us so I didn't really eat that well.
Leon Leonwood Bean, or "L.L."
Inside the store mommy and daddy got all kinds of stuff, but all I got was this hat. I guess they got it because I'm getting to be very good at taking off my hats. Also, Mommy thinks I look like a cuddly teddy bear in the hat.
Why doesn't this come off?
On Saturday we went to Portland. I woke up at 6 am, so even though we dawdled and went to the beach to eat breakfast, we got to Portland an hour before anything opened.
Here we are at the Eastern Promenade, waiting for some museums to open
First stop was the Children's Museum.
Driving lessons in a fire truck
Daddy, mommy's hogging the 3-D glasses!
Then we went to the Museum of Art, but that was kind of boring. I had some milk in an old fancy parlor and ate my lunch beneath some giant apples, but otherwise, I didn't see anything interesting to me. Oh, there was one statue of a lady feeding a baby. I thought that was kind of interesting.
Later we went to the Portland Head Light, which is where we took this picture.
On Sunday I woke up early again and we went to Kennebunkport. Because nothing was open, we went for a walk on the "beach."
Maine version of "beach"
Where's the sun?
Afterwards we got to go to a museum of old trolley cars. That was really neat. They have a two mile track, and we rode on this old car from Philadelphia out to a pumpkin patch.
Philly streetcar
Pumpkin patch
After that we had a great lunch with one of daddy's co-fellows who lives in Maine and drives to Boston every day to work. She let me play with a fun keychain, but now I can't seem to find it. I think she must have taken it back when I wasn't looking.
We had a great time in Maine, but it was a busy weekend. By the end, I felt like this: