Baby Ronak was there too. He was dressed up like a Hershey's Kiss.
Me and Ronak in our costumes. I am trying to eat the leaves.
Later we went to a MOMS club party at the Brookline Senior Center. Vanessa Trien sang for us. Mommy and I saw her sing at another party and we liked her music so much we bought her CD. Baby Grant from last week's birthday party was there too. He was a monkey, but it was too hot so he had to take off his costume.
We both got Halloween medals
Today we went to two more Halloween celebrations. I dressed up again and went to our stroller class. That's Baby Grant in his monkey suit next to me.
Halloween, StrollerFit style
After lunch and a short nap, we went to our mommy and me class. Here are my friends in their funny costumes. Baby Jackson's grandma made his elephant costume (3rd from the left). Pretty amazing huh?
I wasn't paying attention because I'm surrounded by the ladies.
Tomorrow daddy promised to take me "trick" or "treating." I wonder which one we're going to do?