Today mommy put me in a new outfit that I haven't seen before. She was smiling at me so much afterwards! Then she took me to a gathering and everyone smiled at me there too! I guess they must like my new outfit. What do you think?

I can stand and look at what's on the table now. Apparently some big orange apples have taken over...

What are these fruit? And why are they so hard?
What a cute outfit Owen! You are guaranteed to get lots of candy...make sure your daddy doesn't eat it all. Too bad you can't "hop" yet.
Oh my God!!! Owen looks so cute!! You picked out a great outfit for him Nan!!
you couldn't be any cuter! must be glad the boards are over so now no more studying more partying!
sorry Linen, I'm sure Owen would STILL be cuter than p-chan
Daddy says it looks like a frog has eaten me, but I don't understand what that means. I think Aunty Linen should dress up P-chan in the godzilla outfit and send us pictures!
OMG! what a cute froggy! froggies are my favorite... you should tell your mommy and daddy to bring that outfit to San Diego when you guys come visit Aunty Vivian and Uncle Nam for your birthday!!! :) oh, did you learn how to "hop" yet? hehe
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