My mailbox is full of valentines
Mommy helped me open the valentines I got
Mommy and Daddy got me a Valentine's Day present. It came in a big box and Mommy had to put it together before I could play with it. I love it! It's just like the busy box at my doctor's office. I especially love to play with the xylophone. Maybe I will be a musician when I grow up.
Playing with my Valentine's Day present
Yesterday, two packages came in the mail for me from my grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa Ching send me a toy that makes cow and pig noises when I press on the nose of the animal. Grandma and Grandpa Ketpura got me a Green and Speckled Frog. Now I have a frog that goes with the song!
Presents from my grandparents
This morning, Daddy surprised Mommy with a heart he made using ice and gatorade. Isn't it cool?
Red heart
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
Mommy promised that we will make a snowman today since we're having our first big snow storm that started last night. I'll ask her to take pictures to post later.
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