Aunty Sarita and mommy at their card-making class.
Daddy stayed home to put me down for my nap, and ended up napping too. When mommy got home, she found the whole house super dark since daddy closed all the blinds. And both daddy and I were still asleep! We had been asleep for over 3 hours by the time mommy came home to wake us up to go to Ronak's house.
It's always so much fun playing at Ronak's house. It was especially nice this time because Ronak's grandparents were visiting from Texas. Ronak's grandma (Ajji) made a huge Indian feast. I really loved the paneer and paratha she made. They even got me a present! Ajji and Tata are so nice, I hope to see them again soon.
I wonder what they could be.
Ronak and I got matching school buses from Ajji and Tata.
On Monday, I had my 18-month appointment with my doctor. She's now reassured that I'm growing well since I'm now back on the growth curve. A funny thing happened when the nurse wanted to check my weight. Normally, the nurse would wheel in a big cart with a baby scale on it for me to sit on. But on Monday, the nurse told my mom to strip me to my diaper and walk me over to the big kid's scale that I have to stand up on to get the measurement. I was so surprised, I just stood there. Then the adults clapped and make a big commotion about how much weight I gained and how well I did on the scale. Weird! If you're curious, I'm now 32 inches, and 21 lbs 6 oz. According to daddy, I'm still on the thin side, but at least I'm making progress.
Later that day, Aunty Karna, Uncle Carl, and Aunty Joy came over for dinner. I was told that Uncle Carl and Aunty Joy are going to have a little baby in a couple of weeks. Yay, another playmate for me! After dinner, I showed Uncle Carl my set of wheels. Then Uncle Carl gave me an airplane ride. It was so awesome since I was high enough to touch the ceiling! I also got to chase him around the house, but he's too fast for me since his legs are much much longer than mine.
Uncle Carl playing cars with me
Yesterday, daddy had the day off so we took a long drive up to Kittery, Maine to meet Gina, a math teacher mommy used to work with in LA before I was born. Gina taught mommy how to use the sewing machine and how to make quilts. The first time I met Gina, I was only 6 weeks old! She said I am much bigger now.
Meeting Gina at the Kittery Outlet. Sorry for not smiling, I saw some flowers I wanted to play with.
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