Aki in her nest. It's going to be another day of being strapped down, Aki...
New York public art
In New York there are many big buildings.
And at least one very small one!
After breakfast we went to the park. This was a big big park. A big big big park! But it had a playground so it was all good. Something happened there, and I can't remember what it was. All I know is that it happened 3 times in a row and daddy had to run back to the hotel to get more pull-ups and wipes. Good thing it was only 7 blocks each way!
Me and mommy in the Diana Ross Playground.
After daddy came back and cooled off (it was 60 degrees that day!), we went to the dino museum.
First stop was weigh in.
Mommy weighs over 2 trillion pounds on a neutron star.
Aki is happy because she got to move the front seat
They had big big dino bones there
Aki is still in the front seat. She found something to play with.
We saw a baby stegosaurus, daddy's favorite dino, even though we found out that it actually doesn't have 2 brains!
Touching a real stegosaurus fossil
Later we discovered the Discovery Room. Aki came out of the stroller.
Playing with the endagered animals puzzles. Bang bang Mr. Buffalo!
We got to play dress up.
I got my safari hat. It's a little big, don't you think?
Mommy got the baseball hat. It's a little small, even on her head.
Aki got to play feed the lion puppet
And she found her favorite toys of the whole trip: the lacquer bowls and plastic soup spoon set!
We loved the dino museum but after lunch it was time to go to another museum, a boring one for us. We got all loaded in and fell asleep for nap. Here are some of the things mommy and daddy saw while we were sleeping:
Pistol decorated by Tiffany, whoever that is. What's a pistol, daddy?
Colorfully covered photo of Samoan ladies by a Samoan-Japanese lady called Shigeyuki Kihara
This one was by Dale Chihuly. It's called Pink Venetian with Clear and Gold Prunts (1989).
It looks more like:
We missed these portraits
Then again, Aki woke up before me so maybe she saw them.
Aki enjoying the modern art...
For dinner we went out to eat with one of mommy's friends from high school. We had a giant popover and I liked playing with her boyfriend. He drinks Pediasure too! Yay New Yorkers!
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