Fill 'er up!
I also have a rice paddle
This week mommy also made some yummy Mexican food. We had tortillas, which it turns out I love!
Who knew they had tortillas in Massachusetts?
What happened to my tortilla?
Now that I'm mobile, I can explore my room a bit. After rolling to the wall and tugging on that black stringy wiry thing, I rolled myself under the crib. It's neat under there! There's all this space, and I found my turtle, which was my first toy ever. I like it when daddy watches me instead of mommy. I can go anywhere I want!
A package came in the mail yesterday from a William Zane. I don't know any William Zane, but I had mommy open the package for me just in case it was dangerous.
It turned out that it was from Uncle Billy doing a favor for Aunty Kathy and Aunty Leng. The package had overalls and a hat in it. They're too big on me for now, but maybe I'll grow into them.
If you other people want to send me clothes too, I will model them on my blog for you to see. I wear a size 6-9 or 6-12 months. Just kidding. I have lots of clothes to wear. For now... :)
Last week, my cousin Sydney, who is 5 years old, wanted our address from Grandma. She wanted to send us a letter! Grandma sent her on to Aunty Ying, who helped her write out the envelope. Here is what she sent us. I am so impressed with how well she writes. She even addressed the envelope. Check out the return address! I hope I can write as well as she can when I am 5.