Pangolin, by Eric Joisel. Made out of one big piece of paper (6 foot square).
American Alligator by Michael LaFosse. Made out of same size big sheet of paper.
A horse by I-forget-his-name
Attack of the Kraken by Brian Chan. Made out of one 50 inch sheet of paper.
Nazgul, by Jason Ku
Origami bird, folded without any planning, by Satoshi Kamiya, a Japanese prodigy who's not much older than me. Okay, he's 25 years older, but that's still pretty young...
Not an origami ship. They have lots of boats in the museum.
Not an origami bird. I did put this one together though.
They have trains too!
My favorite thing to do there was the musical instruments
This is what I was playing: a frog drum from Vietnam
Back to the music... Here's my thumb piano
I had a great time at the museum! Next time, I want to make more origami!
Hey, Punn had those frog drums at his wedding, I thought it was Thai??? Cool origamis! I like Owens haircut, he did cut it right? It looks nice!
Those origamis put my miniature crane made out of chopstick wrappers to shame!
And the frog drum thingy? Thailand has those all over the place too. The little ones sound like crickets.
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