The birthday girl with her birthday handcuffs
Little Mermaid cake
Daddy had to work so he couldn't come celebrate. Then he was going to catch the big train out to meet us, but he chickened out.
On Sunday, it was extra super cold, so we went to the aquarium again. I saw lots more stuff, including more masked divers. For lunch we went to Wagamama again, but too bad it wasn't open until noon like just about everything else in Boston. We had half an hour to kill but it went by pretty quick. Here's some of the things we did:
Two dozers outside Wagamama. The one in back looked kind of familiar.
Sizing up Larry Bird's shoes
Trying to steal Red Auerbach's ball
You can tell it was really cold because I let daddy put on my mittens and my hood.
Today we went out to have lunch at Ronak's house just because. And it was MLK Day so daddy and Ronak's daddy were off!
Sometimes Ronak likes to pet my head
Mommy read us a book about a dino
Ronak and I ran around like crazy people until daddy broke up the party so that I could go nap. Party pooper! Anyway, Happy MLK Day everyone!
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