So Phoebe is for P, which is the next "letter" after M, N, and O (Mike, Nan, and Owen). Phoebe is the name my folks liked best of all the P girl names. Daddy liked Priya, but it's kind of funny to have an Indian name for an East Asian baby. I mean, even though mommy has one.
Owen helped pick Akiko. Because daddy's half Japanese and Owen has a Japanese middle name, they decided to find something like that. Owen chose Akiko because he loves this library book called Aki and the Fox, and the main character is named Aki. I think he thinks I'm Aki. At least, that's what he calls me. He also has been saying that he is Kon, the fox from the book.
Maybe it's not as interesting as Owen Ichiro, but it will do for me. Here's a little from Aki and the Fox. It's out of print except as a different translation, Anna and Ken Visit Grandma. Somehow, that just doesn't seem right.

Front cover

Kon the fox was bored...

When he woke up, a music box was playing softly. There was a tiny bundle in the cradle. Kon felt his heart beat faster-- the baby had finally come! She was a beautiful little girl, and her name was Aki.
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