Daddy reading me Mouse Cookies while we waited for Ms. Numeroff.
As you can see, there were lots of other kids there. We were lucky to have gotten seats... even though I didn't want to stay seated for long since I couldn't see anything from where I was sitting. Ms. Numeroff read from some of her old books as well as her new one called The Jellybeans and the Big Dance. I was too squirmy, so daddy had to take me outside. Mommy stayed and thought it was a great read. Maybe they can get it from the library for me.
After the reading, mommy came to join daddy and me in the Children's Room to get my book signed. Actually, she came to take over our place in line so daddy and I could go explore. Mommy had to wait a long time before we were able to meet Ms. Numeroff.
Ms. Numeroff signing my Mouse Cookies & More book.
The Wellesley Library is so big and has so many things to play with. I got to play with a horse, until a little girl came over and traded me a cow for it. We also found another book by another favorite author of mine called Anna's Special Present. Luckily, daddy had his library card with him, so I was able to take the book home with me.
Still no baby sister yet.
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