Daddy showing me how to swing the bat
After practice, I took Uncle JT, mommy and daddy to the New England Aquarium to visit Myrtle the turtle and penguins. We went to the North End for lunch and cannoli. Yes, mommy lost to Uncle JT and daddy at a friendly game of poker, so she had to buy them their cannolis at the famous Mike's Pastry.
We spent Saturday morning walking around Houghton Pond in Blue Hills. There were lots of people walking their doggies to keep me interested during the hike. Mommy and daddy let Uncle JT and me play in the nice playground by the pond after our hike. I had so much fun on the swing and slide.
Family picture by Houghton Pond
I'm flying!
"I'm a BIG kid now!"
After spending all that energy running around, we had lunch at Himalayan Bistro where I had generous helpings of aloo bodi tama (a Nepalese stew of potatoes, black eye peas), matter paneer (mild curry of peas and cheese) with basmati rice and naan. Yummy!
When we got home, daddy and Uncle JT helped me practice my baseball swing for a little bit before Uncle Matt came for a short visit. The last time I saw him I was only 100 days old! He was in town for a reunion and stopped by to say hi. We walked down the street to Bruegger's so Uncle Matt could grab a bite to eat. Mommy let me taste some of her lemonade. Boy, was it sour! But I couldn't get enough of it!
Yasmin's daddy came to visit us
After I woke up from my nap, we drove to Cambridge for burritos at Picante in Central Square. Mommy's now convinced that I should have been born in a Latin American country. I must have eaten most of the beans in her burrito!
I love beans!
We spent Mother's Day by taking a short hike around Hancock Woods. I fell asleep during the walk on daddy's back. After I woke up, we played in the playground at the elementary school near the trails. Daddy and Uncle JT even taught me how to play soccer. I'll have to post the video of it another day.
Nene time during hike through the woods
I see you, daddy!
After gorging ourselves at the Fireplace for brunch, we went for a walk in the Public Gardens in attempt to see the Ducklings Parade. We got there too late, but we still had a lot of fun seeing the tulips in bloom and babies in funny costumes.
Happy Mother's Day!
Uncle JT and I among the tulips
Playing at the Public Gardens
Even though we missed the parade, we got to see a family of geese with papa goose, mama goose, and their goslings. They look just like Mr. & Mrs. Mallard and their ducklings from Make Way for Ducklings. They were so cute and cuddly!
Mama goose and her baby goslings.
We spent Monday not doing much. I did get to try on daddy's slippers and helping Uncle JT pack.
See how well they fit?
Can you take me with you?
Over all, we had such a great visit with Uncle JT. We hope he'll come back and visit us again! I can't wait to see him again in August. He promised to teach me how to fish in Hawaii!
1 comment:
"Ma-na-ma-na"....(translation) I had a great time too Owen! Thanks for taking me around Boston. See you in August.
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