North Adams, City of Steeples
We went for a walk through downtown North Adams. It was about 3 blocks long so we went down one of the side streets to look at some of the old houses.
Here is someone celebrating Memorial Day with a jack-o-lantern
Another house celebrates with Bartman
After our walk, it was time to go to the real attraction in North Adams, Mass MoCA!
The old textile mill that houses Mass MoCA
It wasn't time to go in yet so we got to hang out in the courtyard for a while.
Upside down trees by Natalie Jeremijenko
Some kind of red switch. It says "Open" even though the museum isn't.
A giant cluster of grapes. Or balloons. Whichever it was, I wasn't so sure whether I liked them.
Finally the museum opened and we got to go inside. The exhibits were so cool. I really liked the featured artist, Spencer Finch, and his show What Time Is It on the Sun?
I forget what this one is called. It's lots of colored filters through which the sun shines and colors up the white room. Maybe that is what it was called...
This room had many pink dots in them. They represent the artist's recollection of the shade of color of Jackie Kennedy's hat. Or hat box. I can't remember.
We broke for lunch at Cafe Latino, the best Mexican food we've had since we left LA.
That means it's the best Mexican food I've ever had.
We saw a few more exhibits, including the forbidden Christoph Buchel exhibit, which was not too well hidden behind all these yellow tarps. It was pretty huge, but we couldn't take pictures, so just imagine $160,000 worth of rusty cars, trailers, and carnival rides in a huge loft.
Another cool thing was Theo Jansen's beach beast, which is a big plastic skeleton that moves if the wind blows it right. The video was super cool. You can kind of see what it looked like here.
And finally, the Rachel and Jay Tarses Emergency Exit. No kidding.
Ok, I know I said I would have more on the Hancock Shaker Village, but it's past my bedtime, and mommy says I need I'm getting way too much screen time these days, what with the new article about babies and TV and all. That will have to wait for tomorrow night!