Thursday, September 21, 2006

Behind the Scenes

Some of you might have been wondering how I write this site even though I cannot talk or hold a pencil yet. For those people, this is a glimpse into how these entries are made.

First I carefully handcraft my writing:

I must continue

Xdd55555555555y 5ttyt tlooulj43gy5gh jyyh8pppp;00pp0-0+}5ftttttttty7 hbj,j,uu;bhgbhgbhhlgl;

Then I submit it to my editors to make sure the grammar and punctuation are right.

Final product:

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

See? Easy!

p.s. I am surprising daddy for his birthday. We are taking him on a short road trip, so I won't be able to write for a few days. Check back early next week!

1 comment:

OakMonster said...

LOL! Owen, can I borrow your editor? Occasionally I'd blog after a few drinks and I swear you and I write in the same language!