Sunday, January 22, 2006

Tummy time

Daddy, where were you all day? What is this "job" thing?

Hmmm....How can I get more feeding time and more sleep?

Hand regard is a developmental milestone of 12 week old babies. I'm only 2 weeks old. I am so smart!

Or maybe not...

Lately mommy and daddy have been trying to put me on my tummy while I'm awake. I'm not quite sure whether I like it or not. The last few times, it's been okay at first--kind of a novel experience, you know. Then after a while, I get tired of it. Here's a video of me trying to figure out what this belly down thing is all about. I'm not very happy here.


Anonymous said...

I like the picture with Owen sticking his tongue out! He is so cute!!


Mrs. Brunostein said...

Hi Owen! I'm impressed by your lineage, and your "hand regard." However, your tongue control is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Your pal, Una