Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Day 7: Atlanta to Montgomery, AL

Today we had more fun than yesterday. We went to the Georgia Aquarium, the world's largest aquarium. They have big big fish there, and all of my favorites! I still am loyal to the New England Aquarium, but this one was really great.

Walking through Pemberton Place to Georgia Aquarium
Walking in. You can see how big it really is.

Thai writing meaning "Welcome"
Mommy was welcome there

Diver cleaning tank in Tropical Diver exhibit
First stop, my favorite fish, the masked diver!

My favorite jellyfish. Don't touch, though. It'll sting you. Even this one on the computer screen!

Tropical Divers
There were so many big windows there. This was one of the little ones.

Whale Shark
They had whale sharks that were flown in from Taiwan

Rays touch tank
And a touch tank with rays in it! Aki couldn't quite reach.

Guji Guji was there

As was Baby Beluga

We had a great time in the aquarium, and the drive to Montgomery was really short afterwards, particularly since we both took naps. We are really in the south now, and everyone here is very very nice. Especially to little boys and girls like me and Aki!

Tomorrow is another big driving day so maybe I won't have much to write about again. New Orleans, here we come!

1 comment:

Nancy Alina Szczekocki said...

Oh, I didn't know you were going to New Orleans! Say hello to my home for me! I miss it! ;-)